Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

Kelola Kubikal Data Transaksional Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit Dengan Teknik Online Analytical Processing

Kelola Kubikal Data Transaksional Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit Dengan Teknik Online Analytical Processing

Feri SuliantaData transaksional rumah sakit dapat diberdayakan lebih lanjut untuk ragam keperluan dan bukan hanya sebagai arsip riwayat pasien perseorangan saja. Berbagai informasi berharga dapat diungkapkan dari data transkasional rumah sakit yang dihasilkan dari sistem rekam medis.Dalam kasus ini untuk mendapatkan kejelasan yang melibatkan  informasi menyeluruh yang juga melibatkan  ragam sudut pandang dapat disolusikan dengan teknik Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). Teknik ini mampu mengakomodasi kelengkapan data yang nantinya menjadi framework untuk dianalisa secara seksama Mengacu pada data rekam medis dimana setiap pasien memiliki banyak keluhan dan latar belakang yang berbeda yang terelasi dengan sang pasien. Teknik OLAP mampu  menyajikan data dalam bentuk multidimensi. Selanjutnya, OLAP akan melakukan eksekusi data yakni slicing(irisan) dan dicing(rotasi) yakni  meringkas dan mengumpulkan sejumlah besar data, melakukan filtering, pengurutan, dan memberikan peringkat (rangking) yang akan memperkaya temuan berharga dari data kubikal.

Kata kunci:  online analytical processing (olap), data rekam media, data kubikal, slicing, dicing.

Abstract in english - Hospital transactional data can be further empowered for diverse purposes and not just as an individual patient history archive only. Various valuable information may be disclosed from transactional the data which is generated from the system. To clarify that involve thorough information that also involves diverse viewpoints are treated with techniques Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). This technique is able to accommodate the completeness of the data that will be analyzed carefully. Mengacu framework for the medical records where each patient has a lot of complaints and different backgrounds who terelasi with the patient. OLAP techniques capable of presenting data in a multidimensional form. Furthermore, OLAP will execute the data that is slicing (slice) and dicing (rotation) that summarize and collect large amounts of data, perform filtering, sorting, and rank (rank) that will enrich the valuable findings from the data cubes. Hospital transactional data can be further empowered for various purposes, and not just as an individual patient history archive only. Various valuable information may be disclosed from the hospital transkasional the data generated from the medical record system. To obtain complete clarity that also involves a variety of viewpoints are treated with techniques Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). This technique is able to accommodate the completeness of the data that will be the framework to be analyzed carefully. Referring to the medical records where each patient has a lot of complaints and different backgrounds related to the patient. OLAP techniques capable of presenting data in a multidimensional form. Furthermore, OLAP will execute the data that is slicing (slice) and dicing (rotation) that summarize and collect large amounts of data, perform filtering, sorting, and rank (rank) that will enrich the valuable findings from the data cubes.
 Keywords: online analytical processing (olap), medical record data, data cubicles, slicing, dicing

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